By the mid-19th century, Russia had become the largest country exporting linen to Europe. It was used for in the production of fabric, oil, cords and cables. It became one of the fastest-growing industries in Russia.

Process of creating linen threads in the early 20th century
Some wealthy Jews were investing in linen processing factories, most of which were in northwest Russia, including today’s Belarus.
By the end of the 19th-century, in the territory that’s now known as Belarus, had some 70 linen-processing factories; 41 were Jewsh-owned.
Here is the 1887 list of Jewish owners of linen-processing factories in Belarus:

December 15, 2015
very interresting and moving
December 17, 2015
Thanks for following us!
Marlene McQueen
December 17, 2015
My grandfather’s name was Ellis Lewit and he was born in Grodno 1887 came to NYC 1905 then to Atlanta, Georgia . I remember that his family had something to do with making/selling thread and bobbins. I’m looking for any information. He married Ida Bogen from Minsk.
December 17, 2015
Hi Marlene, thanks for following us! Please email me with more known information about your ancestors, such as years of birth (even approximate),names, etc. Please email me to
December 29, 2015
It’s very moving to read all these testimonies et take them from the past.