In a hectic modern world, where everything is needed yesterday, people are increasingly fascinated by questions such as “Who am I?” and “Where do I come from?” Fortunately, for those of descent, these are the kinds of questions that we can help to answer. It’s the perfect starting point with an unforgettable trip back to Belarus. Preserve your family history, discover new and distant relatives and find out your connection with the rest of the Jewish world. We understand that every research project is unique. Jewish Heritage Research Group in Belarus provides a variety of research services that can be customized to meet your needs. Some of our most popular ones include:
- assisting and promoting the research of family history
- creating family trees;
- searching for missing heirs;
- searching old Jewish cemeteries for graves of your ancestors;
- restoration and preservation of old Jewish cemeteries;
- full assistance with ancestral roots travel and genealogical tours;
- maintenance of existing and construction of new Holocaust monuments;
- translation services of an old handwriting and documentation of all periods: Russian-English, Belarusian-English, Hebrew-English.
All profits from these services go to support our work to preserve Jewish Heritage in Belarus.
Complimentary copy of map of Jewish Heritage of Belarus is available upon request. References are available per request.
Please, contact us: jhrg@jhrgbelarus.org